Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men. Colossians 3:23

Today all over the country people are going to work. For some, the work they do is exactly what they want to do. They trained to be where they are today and they love the role they are in. For a lot of others, they are working to make ends meet pushing through each day. They find little pleasure or purpose in what they do.
No matter which one you may lean towards, our prayer today is that people all over the world would know that their work has dignity. God created for us to work, "Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and subdue it" Genesis 1:28. Whether you are a teacher educating the next generation, a mom caring for her kids, a doctor saving lives, or a janitor that cleans the classroom once the students are gone--your work has Kingdom significance. We are all equally working towards a restored Kingdom.
Work is worship when we allow ourselves to be conduits of God’s love and grace. So today we pray for a renewed steadfast spirit. We pray that no matter what you do or how you feel about what you do, you would know that it is of eternal significance. Everything we do has value because we are working for the Lord, and we are bringing foretastes of His Kingdom to earth. Be encouraged and press on all for the glory of God.