Walking Humbly with God in Business
Have you ever referred to someone as “having a ‘Big Head’”? A country fellow might say, “he’s just too big for his britches.” Those are literal examples of how pride “puffs up”. The prideful person brags about his wealth, his position, his family – in everything he says, he makes himself sound bigger – as though those are the things that make a man great.
But what does the Lord require? “He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God.” (Micah 6:5 ESV)
You are called to walk humbly with the Lord. What does this mean? How can you walk humbly with God? The Hebrew word for humbly suggests modesty. As one of God’s followers, you are to walk modestly or meekly with Him, not proudly or arrogantly; you are not to exalt yourself over others, treating them as though they are of less worth than you. Instead, you are. . . .
- To have a humble estimate of your own abilities and importance
- To be free from vanity, egotism, boastfulness, and pretension
- To trust the Lord and acknowledge him as the source of your life as you walk through each day
- To constantly seek His mercy and forgiveness
If you are walking humbly with God, you will not be proud or self-reliant, depending only on your own strength. Rather, you will continually seek strength from God, calling on Him to help you, guide you, and deliver you from temptation. Walking humbly with God means you will not seek honor for your own name but for God’s Name. All of this is because you know that it is God who has gifted and enabled you to achieve and succeed. Therefore, you want the honor and glory to be His. This is what it means to walk humbly with God.
Excerpt from “What the Bible Says to the Business Leader.” To purchase What the Bible Says to the Business Leader, please visit lmw.org or call 800-987-8790. The book can also be found at amazon.com