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Translating Partnerships

The Great Commission requires us to take the gospel message to the world. Building a network of translating partners enables pastors worldwide to grow the Kingdom of God by having access to The Preacher’s Outline & Sermon Bible® in their native language.

For years, Rev. Bob Patty dreamed of having a Romanian translation of The Preacher’s Outline & Sermon Bible® to equip pastors in that country. In 2012, Rev. Patty introduced a Romanian translation of the book of Romans to a group of Romanian pastors. Their enthusiasm for the books inspired a successful translation effort that continues to bear fruit.

“I think that The Preacher’s Outline & Sermon Bible® is what Romania needs NOW! No one has ever seen a more serious book. Who wouldn’t want to study from this wonderful book?”

Nelu Aliman, National Mission Board, Romania

Partnering with Leadership Ministries Worldwide, Rev. Bill Fortner of the Timisoara Baptist Bible Institute in Romania assembled a group of Romanian pastors and seminary professors to translate more of Paul’s letters in The Preacher’s Outline & Sermon Bible®. As the translations are completed and the books are printed, they are distributed to the men and women who preach and teach God’s Word wherever Romanian is spoken.

Paul’s Teachings for Pastoral Leadership

Paul’s letters were chosen for translation because of their doctrinal emphasis and the pastoral insights given by Paul.

“These tools are vital to pastors, evangelists, and missionaries, as it increases their knowledge of Scripture, helps them stay focused as they preach the Word, and gives them vital insights into the presentation of Scripture to the lost and to the unbeliever.”

Rev. Bill Fortner, Dir., Frontline Fellowship; Pres., Timisoara Bible Institute

The Romanian translation of the pastoral letters of Paul is complete and is scheduled for printing and distribution in Romania this fall.

The Romanian pastors and teachers from the Timisoara Baptist Bible Institute who worked on the translation include:

Rev. Daniel Tut

Rev. Marius Birgean

Dr. Marcel Tepenue

Dr. Gelu Pacurar

“I am very thankful to be a part of putting such a great tool in the hands of Romanian pastors, students, and committed ministers in Romania.”

Dr. Gelu Pacurar

Romanian translations of The Preacher’s Outline & Sermon Bible® completed:

Portions of The Preacher’s Outline & Sermon Bible® have been translated into 17 different languages. Our goal is to complete these translations and develop resources that meet the needs of called pastors worldwide. Visit to support our translation efforts.

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