"Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me." Psalms 23:4
Some scholars think the valley of the shadow of death was the name of an actual valley, an extremely dangerous one, through which shepherds and their flocks were forced to cross. Valleys are symbols of the darkest times of life. The valley of the shadow of death speaks of life’s gravest circumstances, fearful occasions when death is a real possibility. David testified that he was not afraid to walk through life’s darkest valleys. Although he was defenseless in himself, he was not alone in the peril: his Shepherd was with him. The LORD would protect him and keep him close to His side. David was comforted— turned from fear and terror—because his Shepherd was skillfully armed with His rod and His staff.
David was fearless in the valley because he knew his Shepherd would protect him from all deadly threats, including his own waywardness. His Shepherd would keep him close to His side in the darkness and would be with him through every step until he passed safely through to the light on the other side.
Study Questions
Are you walking through some sort of valley right now? Have you sought comfort from God?
Do you trust that your Father has you close to his side and that you are protected by him always?
Do you see the light on the other side of your current dark time or fear?
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