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The Importance of Business

Surprisingly, God Himself tells us how to start and operate a business. God’s Holy Word actually spells out how to be successful in business as well as in life. In fact, early in the creation process, God ordained labor to be one of humanity’s major activities. When He created the first man (Adam), He immediately charged him to get busy and work, to subdue and manage the earth, to tend and look after it (Ge.1:28; 2:15). This means that having work to do, the privilege of a job, is of critical importance.

Think for a moment: What would the world be like without structured businesses? There would be no jobs to provide work or income, no companies to construct houses, make cars, or build stores, no products or services available to sustain human life.

Indeed, without businesses, we would likely still be living in a primitive society. Humanity never would have progressed as it has through the centuries without businesses nor would we have achieved the quality of life we enjoy today. Knowing this should make business one of the most honored institutions on earth. It is you, the business owners and professionals whom God has
called and gifted to lead, who enable humanity to function as it has through the ages. Whether yours is a single-person operation or part of a huge conglomeration, you play an important role in providing the products, services, and flow of money that are essential worldwide. Likewise, you are key to the progress, development, and strength of communities and nations. You have an integral role in helping people meet their most basic needs:

• Their physical needs—by creating jobs through which people can provide food, clothing, shelter, and other necessities for themselves and their families

• Their practical needs—by supplying beneficial products or services that make life more productive, enjoyable, and comfortable

• Their emotional needs—by providing purpose, fulfillment, and satisfaction through meaningful work

• Their spiritual needs—by giving them at least one day a week for worship and rest, which enables them to support churches and other ministries that are helping the needy and taking God’s Word to the world

Your call to business leadership, whether as an owner, executive, or manager, requires much of you. It requires wisdom, fearlessness, and fortitude—the fortitude to make difficult decisions and take extraordinary risks. Indeed, there may be days when you feel you cannot go on, that your situation is hopeless, that you are unprepared, or that your responsibilities are too great. In addition to everything else, you may feel all alone. But, thankfully, you are never alone as you go through the long, difficult days. God is always there, always available for you. If you seek Him, He will give you wisdom and direction, and you will feel His power working in you. He will enable you to overcome your fears with an infusion of sound thinking (Jas.1:5). His presence will strengthen you and give you the courage to move forward (Is.41:10). In fact, He invites you to bring your heavy burdens to Him. Just ask Him for help and He promises to empower you to persevere through the darkest, most hopeless conditions. He will give you rest even when your troubles are so overwhelming that you cannot sleep (Mt.11:28-30). God has promised you all of this and more, everything you need as you lead your business or area of responsibility.


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