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Sharing the HOPE of the Gospel in Chattanooga

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After the Lord called Lurone “Coach” Jennings to bi-vocational ministry, The Preacher’s Outline & Sermon Bible® helped him study God’s Word effectively, and focus on shepherding His people.

Coach Jennings serves Chattanooga, TN, as administrator of the city’s Department of Youth and Family Development.  He’s also a minister of the Gospel, preaching, evangelizing, and discipling young people in the community.

After he trusted the Lord in May of 1983, Coach Jennings became actively involved in ministry, and God began to use him in a powerful way.

“I was teaching and coaching in public city schools at the time, and it was a great experience where God began to use me,” Coach Jennings says. “It was very exciting to share my faith with students through the Fellowship of Christian Athletes, Bible in the Schools, and other programs that were already in the schools.”

“The greatest joy of ministry to me is seeing people come to Jesus.”

During the course of his 20-year career as a teacher, athletic coach, and administrator in Chattanooga-area public schools, Coach Jennings became actively involved in community evangelism and local revivals, and served in his local church teaching Sunday school and preaching.

One of the biggest challenges Jennings faced is balancing the demands of ministry with the time he needs to prepare thoughtful lessons and sermons. The synthesis of many different commentaries found in The Preacher’s Outline & Sermon Bible®, along with its easy-to-follow outline format, provided Coach Jennings with the tools he needed to balance his work and his desire to thoughtfully prepare to teach the Word of God.

“About 12 years ago I was exposed to The Preacher’s Outline & Sermon Bible®, and it was an eye-opener,” says Coach Jennings.  “It was so encouraging, and so organized.  It made my study – and my interest in study – even more exciting. I had more of a desire to prepare.”

Coach Jennings has found The Preacher’s Outline & Sermon Bible® a powerful tool, not just for his own study, but also as a resource for mentoring the next generation of pastors and leaders around him.

“I began to buy sets of the material and give them away as gifts to young ministers who were coming up,” he says. “They wouldn’t have to go through what I went through trying to find good resources and commentaries.”

We’re thankful for the work God s doing through leaders like Coach Jennings – men and women who are faithfully preaching the Gospel and helping the next generation of ministers discover God’s calling on their lives.

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