Site icon Leadership Ministries Worldwide

Pray for God's people to be transformed

Pray for leadership development training events in Uyo and Ikorodu, Nigeria. These trainings are currently underway with more than 70 participants dedicated to learning about God’s purpose in the world, and what their role is in His kingdom.

A new Kairos class is underway in Uyo, October 12 – 16,with over 30 participants from all walks of life: pastors, media professionals, students, caterers, computer engineers, business people, missionaries, even politicians. Pray that God’s worldwide purpose and its application in their lives be grasped.

October 14-17, 40 leaders from all denominations will attend a Leadership Ministries Worldwide Bible for Life and Ministry class in Ikorodu, South West Nigeria. Please pray that God will use this time apart to make those who attend better students and preachers of His Word.


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