Then I will give you shepherds after my own heart, who will lead you with knowledge and understanding. Jeremiah 3:15

A High Calling
Before pastors were ever called to shepherd churches, they were sheep (Psalm 100:3). Their need for God's grace, guidance, and edifying work of the Holy Spirit never goes away. For 365 days of the year, pastors are leading congregations in spiritual maturity and are expected to love, care, and tend to the hurts, pains, and victories of all that call their church their home. The health of a church weighs heavily on a pastor; nevertheless, it is a high calling that is never done perfectly. And thankfully, God doesn't expect perfection. God expects submission.
So today we pray for pastors that lead the body of Christ in the humbling work of reconciliation (2 Corinthians 5:18). We pray that their souls will be taken care of in a way that meets their needs and encourages them to submissively run the race that the Lord has set before them. We pray for individuals, communities, and organizations to come alongside them and build them up in the ways of the Lord. Lastly, we pray for God to continue to raise up pastors with knowledge and endurance so that God's Kingdom will never cease to deepen and grow all over the world.