
The LMW Bible for Life Training Conference was held in Uganda on June 2023, with the aim of providing intensive biblical leadership training to leaders in the Arua and Kampala areas. The conference was organized by Leadership Ministries Worldwide (LMW) and El-Rehoboth Global Leadership Foundation (EGLF), in partnership with His Sickle Int’l Missions and Father’s Union of the Church of Uganda. The initiative involved providing Bible for Life and Ministry Training to local pastors using LMW Resources, featuring The Preacher’s Outline & Sermon Bible and Minister’s Handbook. Read on to uncover the background of the initiative, particulars of the outreach activities, and the impact of the conference.
General Background

In partnership with LMW, El-Rehoboth Global Leadership Foundation is an indigenous mission group founded in 2011 to promote and accelerate the worldwide spread of the gospel. El-Rehoboth is led by Timothy Olonade and strengthened by its founders’ four decades of local & global active missionary service with multiple agencies and nearly twenty years of direct relationship with LMW. LMW’s presence was represented by board member, Timothy Schmidt, to whom we may thank for providing photo documentation.
Outreach Activities
The LMW Bible for Life Training Conference in Uganda had four cardinal programs that they pursued in the course of the ministry. The first was on-site, in-person delivery of training to the leaders, which they carried out using the Ministers’ Handbook and POSB. The second was an online virtual engagement with the LMW App, where virtual contact was arranged with the LMW president, Anthony Raffa, to demonstrate the content and context of the POSB. The third was hands-on training on how to use the LMW App, which involved helping participants to register for and download a personal copy of the LMW App free-of-charge and included demonstration of how to use it. Finally, the fourth was spiritual nourishment for leaders to stay focused on their call where quality time was spent refreshing and reinvigorating the pastors to stay faithful in pursuing fruitful ministry.


The LMW Bible for Life Training Conference in Uganda had a significant impact on the participants. Arua, a northern district county of Uganda, is in proximity to the largest refugee base in Uganda with influx of Sudanese and Congolese refugees making our ministry in that region very strategic and far reaching. The team invested their time, skill, and knowledge in 33 leaders who came from different denominations. They faithfully followed all four cardinal plans of action, and they were able to fulfill all of them.
Those discovering the POSB for the first time were glowing with newly found confidence in handling God’s Word. "
The pastors who attended the training met with others in their monthly pastors’ fellowship which prompted much interest from those unable to attend. Many requests to be gifted with the App were granted for such cases. In Kampala, ministry was primarily to professional men and members of the Men’s Fellowship/Father’s Union of the Anglican Diocese of Kampala. Their main concerns were life issues, home front matters, being accountable to God, and walking worthy of the Lord in all seasons of life. The upfront request from Kampala was a full training on Bible for Life and Ministry as it relates to the ministry of men in the church and society.
The LMW Bible for Life Training Conference to Uganda was a success and impacted the participants in a tremendously positive way. As these leaders are equipped, the ripple effect of them now being able to equip other leaders around them will be exponential. LMW and EGLF were able to fulfill their goal of providing intensive, life-impacting, and ministry-enabling biblical leadership training to leaders in Uganda. It is our prayer that the impact of this training will continue to be felt for generations to come.