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God’s Promises


So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you. I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.                                                                                                                       Isaiah 41:10

God assured His people that He would protect them in the here and now, in the present distress they were experiencing. No doubt God’s promise of freeing His people from the coming captivity was very encouraging, especially to the true believers who were to endure the Babylonian captivity. But they needed far more than just a distant, future hope of deliverance. Righteous believers needed to know that God was with them day by day in their present painful circumstances. So God met their need and gave them a most wonderful promise: whether in the present or in the future and in whatever circumstances, God’s people were not to fear. Three reasons are given why righteous believers should not be anxious or afraid.

First, God’s people were not to fear because He Himself would be with them. He would strengthen and help them and uphold them with His right hand—His righteous, victorious hand.

Second, God’s people were not to fear because He would hold their right hands and help them as they faced their enemies (v.13). Note the close relationship being stressed here: the LORD tells righteous believers that He is “your God” and that He will take “hold of your right hand.” He will “help you.” Meditating upon this promise should give enormous encouragement to believers who are facing oppression and hardships.

Third, God’s people were not to fear because He was their Redeemer (v.14). In the present Scripture, the LORD calls Himself the Redeemer, the family protector of His people. As their Redeemer, He promises to help them.

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