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For the equipping of pastors in Cuba

Christians in Cuba are sharing God’s love with their neighbors through intentional ministries that feed the poor, care for the forgotten, and love the fallen. Pray for the Christian pastors there as they receive biblical resources for theological education this week from The Grace Institute, equipping them to share God’s Word.

Will Savell of The Grace Institute works with pastors in Cuba who are eager to receive sound biblical and theological training. Through his connections, Leadership Ministries Worldwide is sharing The Preacher’s Outline & Sermon Bible® with pastors who need these resources.

“Collaboration is key,” Savell says. “Leadership Ministries Worldwide produces resources that preachers are hungry for.” Putting those resources in the hands of pastors on the ground in faraway places is The Grace Institute’s specialty. Through our partnership, thousands of preachers worldwide will receive resources and training that empower them to impact lives, communities, and entire cultures with God’s Word.

“Preaching is a skill set you have to learn,” Savell says. “Having Leadership Ministries Worldwide’s preaching resources is a blessing as the pastors are learning biblical and theological material. What good is theological education for a pastor if he can’t communicate it faithfully to his congregation?”


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