We publish the The Preacher’s Outline & Sermon Bible® to equip pastors, teachers, and leaders worldwide for gospel-centered ministry in order that as many as possible would hear the message of Christ.
The sales of our books help us further our mission to distribute Bible resources to as many pastors and trainers that need them as possible. So far, your donations have helped us translate materials into 20 languages, ship millions of books, develop our online platform, the LMW App, in multiple languages, and deliver them all free to pastors in developing countries. God continues to open doors for us to translate and deliver biblical resources worldwide. Your donations help make that possible.
We partner with several ministries, such as the Biovcational and Small Church Leaders Network, Prison Fellowship, Fellowship of Christian Peace Officers, Frontline Ministries, and others. Distributing books and resources through these strategically placed organizations has allowed our materials to reach pastors and teachers on almost every continent. We also provide a free online library for pastors and trainers in the Global South through our web-based application that provides digital access to the POSB.
We support our training partners around the world by equipping them with the resources they need for gospel-centered ministry.
To get connected with one of our training partners, contact us at [email protected]. We also have some training videos on our YouTube channel.
The author chose many years ago to remain anonymous.
The biblical materials are presented from a centrist non-denominational position. The goal is to rightly divide the Word of truth and expose what the Bible says about itself. Various viewpoints are presented, allowing you to draw your own conclusions with the Holy Spirit’s direction. View our Statement of Faith.
Yes. The first edition of the Preacher's Outline & Sermon Bible (POSB) is complete in a 44-volume set using the KJV translation. The second edition of the POSB is also complete as a 40-volume set using the NIV (1984) translation. The third edition of the POSB is the everyWORD: Scripture, Outline, Commentary series in the ESV translation and includes the gospels in a 6-volume set.
These resources can be found at our online store store.lmw.org, Amazon, or at any of our digital partners such as Logos, Accordance, and OliveTree. You can also access the entire POSB through the LMW POSB web-based application by visiting app.lmw.org.
We publish derivatives of the POSB. These LMW Resources include topical series, personal handbooks for the minister, and many more. Please visit our online store at store.lmw.org to learn more about the other books we publish and distribute.
We are looking to update and improve this series in the future.
Many of the shorter books of the Bible are combined into one volume, while other, lengthier books are divided into 2 or 3 volumes.
LMW is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization, funded by the sales of our materials and contributions from generous donors. We have no denominational backing or support and receive no government funding.
The LMW app is designed to be used by pastoral trainers in developing countries. If you are affiliated with a pastor training organization, we would love to partner with you. Please Contact Us for more information.
Our app, which contains the entire Preacher's Outline & Sermon Bible series, along with a curated topic index, a lesson builder, and versions for desktop, iOS and Android. Visit lmw.org/app to learn more.
Our handbook series, "What the Bible Says to the Minister", "What the Bible Says to the Believer" and "What the Bible Says to the Business Leader" are available as e-books from Kindle, ibooks, and Kobo.
You can also purchase our resources from our partners, WordSearch, Logos, Accordance and Olive Tree.