Each day we hear from pastors serving God all across the nation. From an AME church in Kalamazoo, Michigan, to a prison minister in Texas, to seminary deans, bivocational pastors, Bible study leaders and Sunday School teachers: These faithful men and women are thankful for The Preacher’s Outline & Sermon Bible® and the impact it has had on their ministry. Bobette Hampton (pictured), pastor of Fresh Fire AME says: "I have many study resources, but I couldn't do without this one!" Pray for these pastors who serve God faithfully, changing lives, communities, and entire cultures with the life-transforming Word of God. Bobette's Story:
On Fire for the Lord
In 2002, Pastor Bobette Hampton took a major leap of faith as she started Fresh Fire AME Church in Kalamazoo, Michigan. Not only was this a new church plant, but Pastor Hampton was also the first African American woman to pastor an AME church. In her words, “Everything that has happened has been way beyond expectations. The Lord has anointed me for this ministry.”
“I love that series. . . “
Pastor Hampton tends to be a series preacher, and the first resource she consults as she prepares her sermons is The Preacher’s Outline & Sermon Bible. She has every book in the series and has even gifted her ministerial staff with the New Testament set. “I have a lot of resources, but I haven’t found anything as great as The Preacher’s Outline & Sermon Bible. It gives you so many thoughts and insights on different ways you can go as you present scripture in your sermon.”
In a recent series on Leviticus and Deuteronomy, she was inspired to see in The Preacher’s Outline & Sermon Bible the connections between the festivals of the Old Testament and the celebrations of the New Testament. Looking at the Old Testament “Feast of Weeks” and its connection to the celebration of Pentecost, deepened her understanding of her own church’s name: Fresh Fire.
“Easy for new Christians to read and understand, and the Deeper Study section offers excellent in-depth insights.”