Making Impact Possible
On a trip in the late 1980’s, Carroll Howe, an active member of LMW’s Board, picked up a book about the underground church in China that sparked a lifelong heart for China. It was this first exposure that opened his eyes to China’s immense spiritual need. Carroll was so moved because of the relentless persecution that is unlike any other country he’d visited.
In 1994, he and his wife, Karleen, had an opportunity to join a medical mission trip to China. While much did not go as planned, the trip was instrumental to Carroll experiencing first-hand the reality of oppression Chinese believers endure for their faith. Karleen shared a memory of having to tiptoe up a city apartment stairwell to a home worship service so as to not alert the authorities to their gathering. The service would have been held in whispers if not for the miraculous interruption of jackhammer demolition next door. The believers praised God for the deafening racket that covered the sound of their worship allowing them to praise freely.
The Howe’s ministry and heart for China continued state-side where they started a prayer group for China and befriended a Chinese college student who became like a daughter to them. When Carroll learned of the opportunity to translate gospel-centered resources with LMW, he felt his calling fall into place and made a significant portion of the translation of the POSB possible. “His desire was to see these people who couldn’t go to seminary be able to study Scripture and actually grow,” said Karleen. He recognized the ability to impact multitudes through the equipping of a few with materials in their own language.
When asked what they would share with others who feel uncertain in their calling or lack confidence to give, Karleen cited the promise of Isaiah 55:11 that the Word that goes out will accomplish God’s purpose. She said, “When the Lord gives you a vision and burden and wants you to do something about it, pray about it and go for it. Treasure is not down here on this world. He gives so we can give.”
The Impact in China
WeDevote is a Bible study mobile app with international reach that allows users access to Biblical resources translated into their native language. Support of our 5 Core Languages project has made translation of The Preacher’s Outline & Sermon Bible® into Chinese & other languages possible, so that when made available to download on the WeDevote digital platform, our materials are able to reach millions of Chinese users who wouldn’t otherwise be allowed to obtain a physical print copy by their government.
Downloads = Impact
2.4 million
downloads since 2016

Look how God has used Leadership Ministries Worldwide to equip pastors and leaders! The Annual Report features the encouraging story above and many others to share with you a few of the amazing ways God has worked in 2022. Read more stories of incredible impact in the full 2022 Annual Report!